
Improving Feedback for Your GCSE Dance Students

July 10, 20181

Enhancing Dance Class Feedback: Creative Tips for Growth
Navigating feedback in dance class can sometimes feel like mastering a tricky dance move. Here are insights on how to make this process smoother and more student-focused.
Dancers react uniquely to feedback, much like trying a new dance step – it can be thrilling or a bit uncertain. Embracing this diversity helps us tailor feedback to suit each individual’s style.

Feedback is the bridge between vision and accomplishment – Richard E.Stearns

Effective Feedback Tactics:

Mood Check-in: Begin with a warm-up! Start class by gauging moods with quick hand signals. This guides us on giving feedback in the right moments.

Personalised Touch: Chat with students to know their preferences. At the start of the year, we ask how they prefer feedback. Are they more comfortable with praise or correction? Personalising feedback based on their choices ensures it resonates.

Positive Gestures: Inject positivity during class! Each dancer receives a high-five feedback, like finding a treasure. This makes feedback a sign of encouragement, not criticism.

Adapting to Styles: Just like dance styles vary, so can feedback. We discuss how there’s more than one way to approach a step, letting students choose what suits them best.

Companions in Dance: Pair up for feedback! Dance buddies share insights like secrets, making feedback a friendly exchange.

Mirror Moments: After dancing, a quick mirror session helps identify what went well and what needs refining.

Teacher Anecdotes: Our stories show that even mentors stumble. This helps students see feedback as a tool for growth, not a judgment.

Consistent Feedback with Assessment Booklets: To ensure consistency, we use assessment booklets inspired by academic diaries. These track your dance journey, showcasing progress and areas to improve. Dance resources used FastFeedback Machines: Paired with booklets, FastFeedback machines provide instant, private insights. Ideal for those who prefer subtlety. We use Through booklets and FastFeedback, we try to create a dependable feedback process, making each class more predictable.

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